Town Ordinances

To request an email copy of any of the ordinance sections below, please call or email  the Town Hall . The entire set of ordinances may be viewed at the Town Hall during normal business hours.

Code of Ordinance Index (dtd 1992)

TITLE 1 General Provisions
Chapter 1 Use and Construction
Chapter 2 Issuance of Citations

Title 2 Government and Administration
Chapter1 General Government – updated 2022
Chapter 2 Town Meetings
Chapter 3 Town Board
chapter 4 Town Officers and Employees
Chapter5 Boards-Commissions-and-Committees
Chapter 6 Ethics
Chapter 7 Finance and Taxation
Chapter 8 Special Assessments
Chapter 9 Public Records
Chapter 10 Review of Administrative Determinations

TITLE 3 Public Safety
Chapter I Fire Protection
Chapter 2 Ordinance relating to fire prevention and safety codes
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 Hazardous Materials
Chapter 4 Disposal of Surplus Property

TITLE 4 Public Works
Chapter 1 Public Works and Safety
Chapter 2 Laying Out and Construction of Town Highways and Roads
Chapter 3 Road Excavation; Trees
Chapter 4 Driveway; Culverts
Chapter 5 Regulation of Parks and Navigable Waters

Chapter 6 Township Cemeteries

TITLE 5 Public Utilities
Chapter 1 Reserved for future use
Chapter 2 Sewer Use
Chapter 3 Underground Transmission and Distribution Lines

TITLE 6 Health and Sanitation
Chapter-1 Health and Sanitation Recycling and Solid Waste

Chapter 2 Well Head Protection
Chapter-3-Illicit Discharge Control

TITLE 7 Licensing and Regulation
Chapter 1- Licensing of Dogs and Regulation of Animals
Chapter 2 Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor
Chapter 3 Cigarette License
Chapter 4 Direct Seller
Chapter 5 Mobile Homes
Chapter 6 Reserved for Future Use
Chapter 7 Fireworks
Chapter 8 Reserved for Future Use
Chapter 9 Street Use Permits
Chapter 10 Large Assemblies 
Chapter 11 Licenses to Pay Local Claims; Appellate Procedures

TITLE 8 Motor Vehicles and Traffic
TITLE 8 Traffic and Motor Vehicles

TITLE 9 Offenses and Nuisances
Chapter 1 Offenses and Nuisances
Chapter 2 Offenses Against Public Safety and Peace
Chapter 3 Offenses Against Property
Chapter 4 Offenses Involving Alcoholic Beverages (currently being edited)
Chapter 5 Offenses by Juveniles
Chapter 6 Public Nuisance

TITLE 10 Land Use Regulations
Title 10 Chapter 1 Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Heating & Ventilation Code Pool Ordinance
Title 10 Chapter 2 Land Division and Subdivision Code
Chapter 3 Mobile Homes
Chapter 4 Erosion and Storm-water Runoff Control (See Dane County Zoning)
Chapter 5 Minimum Housing code
Chapter 6 Commercial Exterior Maintenance Code

For Dane County Zoning: